Divorce & Annulment Article

Divorce on the Navajo Nation - Grounds and Requirements

Divorce on the Navajo Nation:  Grounds and requirements


What are the grounds for divorce on the Navajo Nation?

A.       Underage.  The person asking for a divorce (the “Petitioner”) was under age 18 when (s)he got married.  This is not grounds if the Petitioner freely lived with the other person as husband and wife after reaching age 18.

B.      Former marriage.  If the husband or wife was already married to someone else (including common law marriage) when they married each other.

C.      Adultery.  Unlawful voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with one of the opposite sex.

D.      Abandonment/Expulsion.  If either person willfully abandoned the other, or caused the Petitioner to leave against his/her wishes, for a period of six months before filing for divorce.

E.       Alcohol/narcotics.  When one of the spouses uses alcohol or drugs habitually to the mental anguish of the other.

F.       Abuse.  When one spouse inflicts “grievous bodily injury or grievous mental suffering” on the other.

G.     Neglect.  When the husband fails to support his family “according to his means, station in life, and ability.”

H.     Inability to live together in agreement and harmony.

I.        Pregnancy by another man.  In the husband’s favor if the wife was pregnant by another man when she married her husband, and the husband was unaware of it.  The divorce must be filed within a reasonable time after the husband learns of the (true nature of the) pregnancy.

J.        One-year separation.   Voluntary separation of the husband and wife for one year or more.


What are the requirements for filing for divorce?


“Personal jurisdiction.”   For the Navajo courts to “reach” the parties, the spouses must have “minimum contacts” with the Navajo Nation—they’re enrolled members of the tribe, or are eligible for enrollment, they lived, worked, spent time on, or visited the Navajo Nation, or children were conceived on the reservation.  “Personal jurisdiction” can be waived—regardless of who you are, if you come to the Navajo Court (or file a document with the court), you “submit yourself to the jurisdiction” of the Navajo Court.


90-Day Requirement.  The petitioner must live on the Navajo reservation for at least 90 days before filing for divorce in the Navajo Nation Family Court.


“Subject Matter Jurisdiction.”  The Navajo Nation has “original, exclusive” jurisdiction over domestic relations (including divorces) involving members of the Navajo Nation, or those eligible for enrollment with the Navajo Nation.  This means that divorce cases involving Navajo spouses or Navajo children must be filed in the Navajo Nation Family Court.  If neither spouse is Navajo (but they lived on the reservation), they can (but do not have to) file in the Navajo court.  Filing in state court is generally more expensive, more paperwork, and can take more time than filing in Navajo court; child support guidelines and alimony awards in NM and AZ state courts are very similar to those in Navajo courts.


Filing Fee.  The filing fee is $10, and it must be paid to the Family Court of the Navajo Nation when a divorce petition is filed with the Court.  There may be additional money needed if the spouse’s whereabouts are unknown, and the Petitioner has to publish legal notice in the newspaper.




  • My husband and married in Arizona. He is incarcerated in AZ. I have moved out of state. Do I have to get divorced in AZ or can I get it done where i reside now?
  • I'm a Disabled Veteran, my husband is active army - we met on active duty 2008 & married 2012. Due to him physically and mentally abusing me, we seperated end 2014, had a separation agreement in place since we lived in NC. We toyed with reconciling during 2015 and 2016. Feb 2017, despite being in contact with each other, he filed for divorce in TX, filed a false affidavit that he couldn't find me, and had a default judgement granting divorce. He cleared out our 3600 sqft home in NC of all our joint & personal property and dropped my daughter from ins. How to make his wrongs, right?
  • My husband has been gone for eight years. I have no idea where he is. Do I still have to find him to serve a divorce? We have minor children together. The child support he has paid has been speratic.
  • my spouse is filing for divorce and we have decided on the things that we agree on. however, I can't afford an attorney. Is it possible to get an attorney to review the agreement for me and how much would that cost?
  • My ex husband recently died am I entitled to any of his property
  • My husband left and took all furniture and appliances/electronics. Long story short, the only things he left me are all the household/child expenses. He left over a month ago and has not helped or contacted me. We own a home and there is a joint tenancy deed between my mom, me, and my husband. What is the difference between a joint tenancy deed and community property?
  • I am disabled and my husband has abandoned me now for close to a year. He filed a order to stop me from being able to talk to him as he refuses to divorce me but is living with another woman.He failed to tell the judge we r in a covenant marriage. I need free/cheap legal help. PLZ!
  • Can I use the Dissolution papers for Maricopa County Superior Court to file in Navajo County? Since Navajo County does not provide these forms online.
  • I was incarcerated in july of this year and was released just recently, during that time my wife and 2 children had moved to kansas I am most likely to file for divorce and will be seeking joint custody. I am planning on having the kids for their summer break and winter breaks.Since she is out of state what is the procedure for this to occur and what must I file,also will she have to come back to Arizona for the proceedings or can she remain in Kansas?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program