Child Support Article
The Cash Assistance Program and Child Support
The Cash Assistance Program and Child Support
By Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc.
Child support -- it is your child's right!
There are many children who are not getting support from both parents. If you are not getting child support for your children, this article may give you information that will help you.
Each parent has the duty to support his or her children until they reach 18. If a child is disabled, the duty to support may continue past age 18. Under the law, child support is paid by wage-assignment through the payer's job. There are very few exceptions to this law. In most cases, you must cooperate with the Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) to get Cash Assistance. If you are getting Cash Assistance, certain child support can be kept by DES to pay back these benefits. If your family stops getting Cash Assistance, the child support paid for the current month must be sent to you immediately.
Resources To Get a Child Support Order or to Enforce an Existing Child Support Order - The following resources may help you get a child support order or enforce an existing child support order:
DES Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) - Under the law, DCSE must help custodial parents and their children get child and medical support orders. If you get Cash Assistance, you must give DCSE information about your child's other parent, unless you meet one of the "good cause exceptions." This information will allow DCSE start collection efforts. For more information click on the DES Division of Child Support Enforcement web site.
Superior Court System - Pima County Superior Court -Quick Court has do-it-yourself forms to file for child support. For more information about Quick Court in Pima County, you should contact Pima County Superior Court, 110 W. Congress, Tucson, Arizona 85701 at (520) 740-3201. In other counties, you should contact your local court to see if they have a similar service.
Legal Aid Organizations - Legal aid offices often have workshops to assist low income parents get a divorce, paternity order or child support. For more information, contact the legal aid office in your area. Be sure to choose the county where you live on the right side of the page; and find an office near you under the "Find Legal Help" on this website.
Private Attorneys - A private attorney can help you get child support through a divorce or paternity lawsuit. To help you find a private attorney who may be able to help you in Pima County, you should contact the Pima County Lawyer Referral Service at (520) 623-4625. In other counties, you should check the local phone book to find a private attorney or a similar referral service.
On 2/17/08
carlos said
When someone gets assistance in arizona, does that give AZ jurisdiction, dispite the child not being here 6 mos?
On 7/17/07
Dena said
Its been 3 yrs since iv appliied for childsupport ive provided evertthing ss # every thing i still havent recieved an order or child support they still havent located him what can i do
On 5/24/07
Leaha said
How does a mother receive any kind of assistance when the father is incarcerated?
On 5/21/07
Susan said
Why is it when the mother is receiving child support and also state assistants, the state wants the father to pay for the assistant that the mother is receiving.
On 12/13/06
Andy said
To Kellie: Cuz they already got it! And know the state wants it back, that's why!
My husband received a request from Child Support Enforcement to complete a Financial Affidavit. Why does the affidavit request information about income of other members of his household if Child support calculation cannot be based on it?
My child's father was granted full custody and support in march of 2004, my son has been in my physical custody sense may of 2004. that's 11 years no support, his father never contacted the court to let them know his situation changed. What can we do?
If my boyfriend of 14 years and father of my 2 children and I can agree on everything with child custody and support , can we just have it leagally drawn up without court?
Does the affidavit in a modifaction really affect the outcome of child support?
If I'm paying child support and my son has a baby do I still pay child support?
My Ex decided that I could have our two boys for the school year. As for the clild support she was to be giving me the whole amount back, but she seems to have an excusse every week. Now she wants to take them home back to AZ in December (we are in Sacramento)and have them go to school there. what can i do, when none of this is through the court system. The boys have come along way since they have been here.
if im living with my dad and mymom re filed child support and using it as her money for her doings is illegal correct??
My boyfriend and I been in relationship since 2009 we has 1 kid and she is 20 months. My boyfriend passed away just last week. I know still and grief but thinking about my daughter future made me to act ASAP I think I need to take care of my daughter's inheritance. Because I don’t feel my boyfriend family is like us. I want to know if this is possible will happen the following question: 1 – Can I open or intervene in probate of my boyfriend's estate? 2 – Can I file a child support from my boyfriend estate? 3 - Do I might need to file a claim as a creditor?
I am trying to file a modification for support. I have talked to numerous agencies regarding the fact that I have no information (salary and address) for the other party involved. DCSE told me to file it with my info and they would send the packet to the other party to be completed. A clerk of the court rep. said that I had to make some effort to serve the other party- or my modification would be thrown out. What is the actual answer to whether or not I can file with just my information, and the court will send off the packet or if I have to attempt to serve the other party?
what can I do if my child support agency is not splitting my payment up correctly and causing my interests to increase
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