Child Support Article

Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice

Arizona has three legal aid organizations which cover different regions of the state.

  1. Community Legal Services (800) 852-9075 covers Maricopa, Mohave, Yavapai, Yuma and LaPaz Counties.
  2. Southern Arizona Legal Aid (800) 640-9465 covers southern Arizona.
  3. DNA People’s Legal Services (800) 789-7287 covers northern Arizona.

All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary. The legal aid organizations above all have the same criteria of income restrictions and legal status requirements, but do have varying priorities.

To find out about more Arizona resources that may be able to assist you, you can contact LegalLEARN, Legal Information & Resources at (866) 637-5341.

Individuals may apply for free and reduced fee legal services by using the "Access To Justice Online Intake System" through AZLawHelp. 

If the legal services program in your area cannot assist you, you may be able to find a lawyer through lawyer referral services in Maricopa County (602) 257-4434 or Pima County (520) 623-4625.

The State Bar also maintains a listing of all Arizona attorneys on their website, and certifies “specialists” in eight legal areas. (Not all attorneys seek such certification, however.) Lists of specialists can also be found at the State Bar of Arizona’s website.



  • How long do i have to notify the other party of a pay change and how do i go about notifying them?
  • If both parents agree to 50/50 custody and neither want to pay or recieve child support what is the law? Will one of the parents have to pay some amount?
  • How do I find a record of payments made to me through Clearinghouse, my ex-husband stopped paying for 6 months because he changed jobs and says Clearinghouse screwed up the info. He has arreages of $1800.00 for those 6 months. He has been current since he finally set it up with Clearinghouse, but I need to show where he didn't pay. Can I get those records from Clearinghouse, and how????
  • Three years ago, I put myself on child support because the mother of my child would not allow me to see our daughter. As part of the court order, the mother of my child claims our daughter on taxes for all even years while I claim our daughter for all odd years. Earlier this year, when I went to file my 2013 taxes, I was advised that someone had already claimed my daughter's social security number. What are my next best steps? And no, I have not yet filed my 2013 taxes and she has admitted to this crime. Can I take her to court? Should I file anyway and let the IRS catch her?
  • I have 2 sons one is 19 and out of school the other is 17 and in school I was told I have to continue to pay support till the other is out of school is this true ? i am up to date on support and have not missed payments....please help ....
  • If I lose rights to my daughter do I still have to pay child support if shes getting adopted by another father. Or do I have to continue the payments even after it's over?
  • If my daughter gets full time employment do I still have to pay childsupport?
  • I receive VA disability benefits, as does my ex-husband. Is this income that is to listed as "income" on our "Child Support Calculator"?
  • my daughter is turning 18 in january, but she is still in high school, graduates in May. is there a form I fill out so child support can coninue?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program