Child Custody Article
Model Parenting Time Plans for Parent/Child Access
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Model Parenting Time Plans for Parent/Child Access
On 2/3/09
Jenn said
Very concise schedules but cn only work with parents that either have prior relations with children, have average hostilites and are not out of state or parents on a mutual communication for children.
A judge awarded the other parent joint legal decision making and parenting time. Within the last 4 mths he has seen her a total of 3 weeks. I filed to set aside the judge's ruling and got denied. I tried to modify child support and got denied. I don't know what else to do. I have documents printed out to providing evidence of my claims. What else can I do? The judge made her decision April 2nd of this year
My husband and I are getting divorced and have 4 children under the age of 12. We have not been able to reach an agreement on custody and temporary orders included that joint physical custody be granted. In addition, there are "parentling evaluations" scheduled . What is a "Parenting evaluation" and what kinds of questions should I expect? Will there be an opportunity for me to provide the evaluator with inforation? Thank you!
My daughter works and goes to school to support her family, husband and two children. Her husband (he lost his job) agreed to stay home with the kids while She finishes school (7 more months). Now he says he can get sole custody if they separate because he has been the primary care giver for the last year. Is this true?
If my child's father has filed a custody case do I also need to file?
If I am.awarded no parenting time in a divorce does that mean I can't call or go near them or just that I can't be in charge of them?
where do i go to find information on parenting classes
i need to know if it is legal for my husband to keep my kids away from me. were in the middle of a divorce and there is no custody order what can i do?
Hello, My Ex-Husband is stationed in Germany, he is the Air Force, He is trying to take my kids or the summer, which is fine, but i am afraid that he will not return them, what kind of paperwork would i have to file to guaretee my kids return to me? plz help
I have just moved to AZ and the father of my children lives in ca we have no former custody done. Can I file for full custody?
my house was raided for identity theft and baby daddy left meth on counter. caps was called and they took my son away. in my police report the conclusion on child dangerment was denied when investigated but cps still has my son. they only know what the police told them at the time of the incident. apparently the higher ups in police denied the allegation. I'm going to prison for years. can I still file guardianship to my mom even tho he is still in cps? we r in process of icpc for him to live with my mom but I want cps out of pic. it feels like something is wrong with this case.
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