Losing Spouse/Parent Article


This is the first of a series of articles intended to provide a basic understanding of Arizona Probate Law, including the definition of probate, the circumstances under which a probate proceeding is necessary, how a probate case is administered, alternatives to probate, and information about available resources to assist those interacting with the Probate Court.

In this first column, we will provide an overview by briefly answering the five standard reporters’ questions about any subject - Why? What? Where? When? How? – with regard to the subject of probate.


There is much truth to the old saying, “The only certainties are death and taxes.”  The disposition of one’s belongings at death is a matter that every person should address, but many do not, either due to neglect or denial.  Many who are suddenly confronted with the death of a relative or friend are unprepared to handle their responsibilities and incur needless angst and expense. 


The term “probate” comes from the Latin word provare, meaning “to prove,” and is defined by Merriam-Webster’s as “the action or process of proving before a competent judicial authority that a document offered for official recognition and registration as the last will and testament of a deceased person is genuine.”  However, the existence of a will is not a requirement that there be a “probate” of a decedent’s, estate.  In modern usage, the term probate has become synonymous with the process of estate administration after death. The term decedent is the legal term that refers to the deceased. When a person dies “intestate,” meaning without a will, the Arizona Probate Code determines who will be entitled to receive that person’s property.  Will or no will, whether a probate will be necessary depends largely upon the nature and value of the property left in the decedent’s name at his or her own death.  For the purpose of this discussion, the term “probate” will be used with reference to an application or petition to the probate court, which begins a probate court case for the appointment of a personal representative for the administration of a decedent’s estate.


A probate case takes place in the Probate Division of the county of the decedent’s last residence. To find your local court you may wish to use the court locator found on the Arizona Supreme Courts website at www.azcourts.gov/AZ-Courts/AZ-Courts-Locator.

For example in Maricopa County, probate matters are handled by the Probate and Mental Health Division of the Maricopa County Superior Court.  In Maricopa County, most probate matters are handled by the Probate Registrar, who is located in the Old Courthouse in downtown Phoenix, or by Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioners located in each Superior Court location.  In addition to downtown Phoenix, these locations include Northeast Phoenix, Mesa and Surprise.

In addition to probate cases, the Probate Division handles small estate transfers, conservatorships, adult guardianships, and adult adoptions. Many courts have websites that offer detailed information for those needing guidance with Probate Court matters, including forms and instructions. For Maricopa County Superior Court see this website www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/.


When a person dies with assets titled in his or her sole name, a probate proceeding MAY be required.  This depends largely upon the nature and value of the assets that comprise the estate.

Many are misled about the need for a probate as well meaning, but uninformed, persons commonly advise that “You need a probate.”  These may include bank tellers, relatives, friends, insurance companies, accountants and even some attorneys.  With only limited information about the size and composition of the decedent’s estate, it can be irresponsible to offer advice concerning the need for a probate.

A decedent’s estate may be modest, without property that requires a probate administration.  This may be due to a lack of assets of any significant value, or because title to most property owned by the decedent was held in a way that permits passage at death to others by non-probate transfer, such as to a surviving joint tenant.  If the decedent died with only personal property of modest value and cash presenting no title transfer issues, the Arizona Probate Code provides that the property “devolves,” or passes on to the decedent’s successors, who can divide the property without administration, but subject to any creditors’ claims.

Many estates of relatively small value simply don’t require a probate.  Arizona law permits transfers of title or payments to those entitled to receive property of an estate if the total value of property in the estate is (1) personal property with a date of death net value of not more than $75,000.00, and (2) real property with a date of death net value of not more than $100,000.00.  These transfers, which are accomplished with the filing of affidavits for approval by the Probate Court Registrar, do not require the appointment of a personal representative and the expense and time required for the probate of an estate.  A more thorough discussion of this useful and economical process will be presented in a future column.


When a probate case is necessary, a person named by the decedent, or designated by statute, seeks approval by the Superior Court of his or her appointment as Personal Representative of the decedent’s estate.  Following that appointment, the Personal Representative gives notice to all interested parties, gathers the assets of the estates, notifies and settles with creditors, prepares an inventory of estate property, and prepares an estate accounting.  This process requires compliance with governing statutes and court rules, which specify time limits for completion of required actions.  When all requirements have been met, the assets are distributed to those entitled to them and the case is closed.  A discussion of the probate process and administrative steps required will be presented in a future column.  

Contributing Attorney Writer: James Rayburn is an attorney at the Law Offices of James T. Rayburn, where he practices elder law including matters of probate, conservatorships and trusts.



  • I have taken care of my father for many years and he finally passed away in 2013. He put my name on the house deed in 2011 but kept the mortgage in his and my late mother's names. Now that they are both deceased what do I do about the mortgage that is in his and my mother's name? There was no probate as I took over the mortgage payment and the one bill he still owed on. I simple have no clue what to do about the mortgage because I only have $730.00 per month in Social security disability and know that banks won't lend to anyone with that low an income. What can I do?
  • My dad passed away in 2009 and my step mother passed in 2014 as far as I can tell my fathers property has been in limbo with my step brother squatting in it? How do I find out if I have any right to my fathers property?
  • My father is 94 and is in critical condition. We checked his will for the first time and we have some concerns. His will was made out in 1988 when he was a widower and had 4 adult live children. He since has remarried and lost two children. Is this will null because of the change circumstances?
  • Hello, my wife past away most recently In 2004 she had a conviction and owes the .state $2000.After we married in 2010 i purchased a vehicle and put both our names on the title. When I tried to sell the vehicle, MVD told me I can't sell it because the court put a lean on it and I have to pay them off first. I didn't know my wife in 2004.Do I have to pay them even though she passed away and it was prior to our marriage? Thank you for your help. Best regards, Peter Heid
  • need time limit in years to file medical malpractice in the state. need list of attorneys that can file for me
  • Does the 13 yr old chose who to live with
  • my brother and I are Coconino County Superior Court appointed guardian/conservator for my mother who has recently died. How do we terminate this arrangement with the court? It is also time for the annual report to the court. There is less than $60 in the estate.
  • Aunt was AZ resident and died in AZ. Using small estate affidavit to obtain balance in checking account from AZ bank (large national bank). I live in FL. If financial institution wants the affidavit certified by the court, would I have to appear in person or could it be done via mail? Thank you
  • My wife passed away almost 3 years ago. She had a will drawn up while we lived in Las Vegas, Nevada. Is this will valid in Arizona?
  • I was told AZ was a state where what was bought durning the marriage belong to both partys is that true??




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program



Losing a Spouse or Parent