Domestic Violence Article

Protective Order Center - How to Obtain an Order of Protection from the Court

Follow the link below to watch the Mariocpa County Superior Court video about their Protective Order Center and how to get an order of protection.

Maricopa County Superior Court opened its first Protective Order Center (formerly Family Violence Prevention Center) in downtown Phoenix in 2001. The Center provides resources within the court building to assist individuals dealing with family violence issues. Visitors can obtain necessary paperwork to pursue a court order related to domestic violence. The Protective Order Center also provides resources to help individuals understand and navigate the process of obtaining protection orders to prevent domestic violence or harassment.



  • My baby father of two kids and now one on the way which will make three and i got our children unwilling tooken aaway and place in my mother custody almost three years ago beacuase we were young and dumb and gotten into a domestic violence dispute we didnt have thingthings etablished like we needed to i willing signed my rights to my mother but my baby father didnt nnw that we have had a stable income no domestic violence disputes for going on three years and have a safe and stable living environment with a home we have shared and have had stable housing dor almost two yrs can we get them back
  • My husband wants custody of his three boys 12,10,8.He has joint legal custody with his ex-wife,butshe has primaryphysical custody but oldest wants to be with dad.She is abusive to the children and CPS are involved they said that they can't do anything about custody.My husband took one boy to sheriff after an incident but even though there was was a case opened and an ivestigation,when the report was sent to the district attourney's office they didn't continue to persue charges.She left a bruise on the boys face but since nothing was done about it what can I do if we can't afford an attourney?
  • My estranged wife of 9+ years left me for another man who by her instruction attempted murder on me where I died 2 times that day. She went back to the reservation in AZ where I cannot find her nor do I want to. How do I receive a divorce from her on the grounds of adultery, domestic violence, abandonment and attempted murder. We have no children or property togather. I am Sioux she is dine' but was a member of the wheatfield/tsaile chapter house. who do I file with and how? please e me at [email protected] it is 9-25-15
  • Can a mother get in trouble if they know their 30 year old daughter is in a abusive relationship. How can the help legally?
  • can police serve order of protection without seal on order
  • My best friend is having issues with her husband. He drinks every day to the point of total intoxication. He is verbally abusive and demeaning to her. He has pushed her, head butted her and told her that he “should beat her ass”. He has maxed out her credit cards and does everything he can to financially entrap her. They have 2 children 13 and 15. She is afraid to leave the kids with him because of his drinking and because he is not dependable. My friend wants to leave but due to the financial position he continues to put her in, she cannot afford to get out. Is this considered DV? Options?
  • Can Judge use a charge of DV over a year old in order to apply a RO ?
  • I have a protection order agains my boyfriend. We were never married but he told the police we were. He was allowed to drive my truck but he had to pay truck payment and car insurance. He stopped doing that and without my permission he took the truck to the east coast. He also violated the protection order. No way to contact him and now he getting violation for tolls in New York that I am receiving in the mail. Police will not report it stolen. What can I do?
  • Can an order of protection be issued to a defendant out of state without an arrest being mad or charges being filed?
  • Is there a law or work on a law regarding couples involved in domestic violence requiring them to seek counseling separately. Or, more specifically, if doing counseling with a couple when domestic violence is apparent, are therapists then required to refer to separate therapists for the individuals of the couple?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program