Foreclosure Article

Veterans Facing Foreclosure

Foreclosure is a difficult thing especially when you are already struggling with a family member being deployed. This is where the Arizona Military Family Relief Fund may be able to help.The Arizona Military Family Relief Fund helps pay bills for suffering families. Funds are limited, decided by committee and are only given to families of currently deployed Service Members and post-9/11 Military and Veteran families for hardships caused by the Service Member’s deployment to a combat zone. If you believe that you may qualify and would like further information about the program please click here.



  • I am living in a house that is in foreclosure. The trustee date is in December, how lolng do I have until I get evicted from the property? How does the whole foreclosure work in AZ?
  • I lost my home to foreclosure back in 2010.I have received a payment from the mortgage relief settlement fund. I want to know if I can seek legal action to file a claim for further compensation. I lost over $100,000( my down payment) when I lost my home. A bank that was part of the settlement was my lender. Thank you.
  • We had a house go to foreclosure and the lender ended up selling it. Now the bank of the second mortgage is trying to sue us for the deficiancy. the lot is less than 2.5 acres & house is single family. Can they do this or does this violate ARS title 33?
  • Does the anti-deficiency statute cover for a an 80/20 loan where the 1st mortgage was refinanced (no cash out)under HARP 2.0? Refinanced only for lower interest rate/payment.
  • My proprty is seduced to be sold today at a Trustee's auction. I had a new loan approved for past two weeks that would pay the existing note in full, the trustee deliberately withheld the final payoff statement until 4:59 p.m. on the day prior to the foreclosure, making it impossible to fund on the new loan in time to stop the sale. Is there anything we can do to stop the sale and buy ourselves a few days to get the new loan closed?
  • When does a foreclosure come off a credit report? Seven years from the date the loan went into foreclosure, from the date of last payment or from the date of the sale at auction?
  • AZ dept of Housing sent us to you to file a complaint against Bank and Mortgage Company (Proper business names redacted).  How do we mail or email our five page complaint to you? (Personal information redacted)
  • Short Sale question - What do I do if there was not full disclosure at the short sale by the lender that a heloc would still have a balance & they would come after me 4 years later?
  • My home which is worth 230,000 was sold in a trustee sale for 12,753.85. I found out the 1st trustee has the same last name as the company president of the company that bought the property. Before the sale a substitute trustee took over. I believe this sale was done with an Irregularity in conduct and an Inadequate sales price. What recourse do I have. Time is of the essence. No money for an attorney. Thanks
  • I just found out the house I'm renting is in foreclosure. My daughter is attending school in the area too. Do I have any rights or am I just stick waiting to see what happens? Do I pay rent? Thank You!




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program