Foreclosure Article

Mortgage Reaffirmation Requirements Bogus

When a homeowner files for bankruptcy there is most likely a lender on the home involved. Once the discharge of the debts is entered by the Bankruptcy Court then borrower is no longer personally liable for the debt. But, if the borrower wants to keep their home they will need to pay the regular monthly payment because there is a lien or security interest in the real property. Some lenders will ask the borrower to sign a reaffirmation agreement after the bankruptcy is filed. This reaffirmation agreement will give the lender the right to sue the borrower if there is a later default.

Some states have laws that protect their homeowners called no-recourse or anti-deficiency statutes. For instance in Arizona a house homeowner cannot be sued after a trustee’s sale is completed so long as the property fits into a certain description: 2 1/2 acres or less, utilized and occupied as a one or two family residence. Therefore, even if an Arizona homeowner signs a reaffirmation agreement they will be not be liable on a first position deed of trust (probably not true for a junior deed of trust). Having said that the judges in Arizona will not sign reaffirmation agreements on residential property. They take this position in order to protect the naive homeowner who is being bullied by the lender into signing a reaffirmation agreement.

Reaffirmation agreement becomes effective upon filing with the Court if represented by an attorney and not presumed an undue hardship. Per the reaffirmation agreement language set out in the Code, “…No court approval is required if your reaffirmation agreement is for a consumer debt secured by a mortgage, deed of trust, security deed, or other lien on your real property, like your home.” § 524(k)(3)(J)(i)7.

Many lenders will state that they cannot refinance a mortgage loan because the loan was not reaffirmed in the bankruptcy. But, any lender has the right to refinance any loan, assuming no federal or state prohibitions. Instead the lender blames the borrower’s attorney. Stating that the attorney did something wrong. In Arizona this is a bold faced lie.

Many programs will refinance once a bankruptcy is completed. For instance -Borrowers who have received a Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge in a case involving the first lien mortgage who did not reaffirm the mortgage debt under applicable law are eligible for certain programs, depending on the type of loan. According to one expert “The following language must be inserted in Section 1 of the Home Affordable Modification Agreement: “I was discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding subsequent to the execution of the loan documents. Based on this representation, Lender agrees that I will not have personal liability on the debt pursuant to this Agreement.” ” Accord, In re Bellano, 456 B.R. 220, 224 (Bankr. E.D. Pa. 2011); In re Owens, 10-72509, 2013 WL 4052874 (Bankr. W.D. Va. Aug. 9, 2013) (“…the lack of a reaffirmation agreement with the Bank and the issuance of the discharge to the Debtor do not appear to preclude the latter even now from filing an application under the HAMP program.”); In re Pope, 10-19688-RGM, 2011 WL 671972 (Bankr. E.D. Va. Feb. 17, 2011) (Finding that a lender’s requirement of reaffirmation as a condition precedent to consideration of a loan modification was improper).

My point – your lender is not your friend when it comes to reaffirmation agreements. Talk to your attorney, get good legal advice in order to determine the law and your rights. Talk to the folks at Talk to other lenders. This is an area of law that is changing every day. Do not fall into the trap of assuming a “no” today will still be a “no” tomorrow.

Contributing Attorney: Diane L. Drain is an Arizona bankruptcy attorney at the Law Office of D L Drain.  



  • Are the terms of a loan modification completely at the discretion of the lender or are there state or federal guidelines they must follow? Homeowners must become 90 days behind to get my mortgage company to consider modification. By this time, isn't my credit nearly as damaged as it would be with foreclosure?
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  • My home was to be foreclosed on 6/13/14 my husband and I filed for bankruptcy on 6/11/14 and advised Ocwen, our servicer and provided the case # to them, Ocwen in turn advised us that there would be NO foreclosure that they would put a hold on it. About a week after that we received notice of the foreclosure sale date having been moved up to 7/8/2014, I again called and they advised me that there was NO sale due to the bankruptcy filed, then in next 2 weeks I had people coming to change locks on my doors which didn't happen bur was advised that my home was now REO that it had been foreclosed.
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  • what assistance is available to me I was 12 months behind caught up on six in September and they started foreclosure this month sell date is Feb of 2015 I thought they were working with me and no notice foreclosure.? my husband was on unemployment for over 4 years and recently is now working and we are able to catch up and stay on track.
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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program