Other Family Issues Article

Adoption and Child Welfare

The Adoption & Child Welfare LawSite is a free, online service for both adoptive families and professionals.  It is the nation’s only comprehensive searchable site for statutes, regulations, key cases and leading articles about adoption and child welfare law from all 50 states.


Summary of Arizona Adoption Statutes

This Summary includes the following information

  • Who May be Adopted

  • Who May Place an Adoptee

  • Who May Adopt

  • Who May not Adopt

  • Types of Adoptions

  • Consent Requirements and Information

  • Procedures

  • Safe Surrender Laws

  • Access to Records

  • Financial Issues

Summary of Arizona Termination of Parental Rights Statutes

This Summary includes statutes and explanations of following information

  • Involuntary Parental termination

  • Notice Rights

  • Grounds for Parental Termination

  • Process

  • Dispositions

  • To access links to Arizona statues, cases and articles about adoption and Child Welfare, go to http://www.adoptionchildwelfarelaw.org/ 



    • questions on legal aid for minors in grade school
    • I am 3 months pregnant, not married and do not live with the father. Is he responsible for and of my prenantal bills, and is he responsible for the hopsital birthing cost?
    • My sister has poa and is not looking out for moms best interest she stole her house and she is jealous of moms and my relationship mom has Alzheimer's and my sister had her sign the house over to her then put her in the nursing home I recently applied for guardianship I just want to be included in the depictions for mom well she sent me a hand written letter saying I could not dee my mom. Can she do that and can the nursing home stop me she tried getting a court order and the judge denied it. This request is not from a judge she wrote it. So I can I go see my mom?
    • Is there a fee when you file paperwork for guardianship of a disabled 18 year old?
    • I'm 16 year old female in the state of Texas I live with a man that is not my biological father can I move out
    • My minor granddaughter's father died in a car wreck in January, she was awarded the life insurance and workman's comp because it occurred on the job. Her parents were never married but my daughter retained a lawyer immediately following the accident. We are trying to move the conservatoire which is in the firms account in South Dakota to Arizona but we need an attorney here and a financial adviser group or someone that the funds will be maintained by. We don't know where to start or how and the attorney in South Dakota charges for every correspondence and confuses us. We need to talk to someon
    • My ex husband recently passed away and his only children were named sole beneficiaries in the divorce decree(irrevocable).The decree states that he was to maintain a policy through his employer but his widow insists he only had one policy that she purchased and maintained through AFLACK. How can my children find out if they are entitled to any monies from this or any other policy that could be hidden. His widow insists that she has nothing and that he had no will
    • If we own a house together, and i wanted to keep the house after thedivorce, is it possiable? I work from my home and i have paid the house payments for the past 6 years.
    • I found out my ex boyfriend showed my 12 year old porn because he was afraid he was gay, can I press any charges against him for this
    • I have been divorced 3 years our my ex husband was supposed to give me half of our retirement money but right before signing he said he lost it in our divorce decree it says that he was supposed to pay the full amount within a year but has failed to do so, additionally we agreed that he would keep managing our children investment account and was supposed to provide me with quarterly statements but I found out he spent the money lastly he is behind a few months in alimony, would you recommend I hire a lawyer or could I file directly through the court




    • Please select your county of residence below.



    • State Bar of Arizona
    • Maricopa County Bar
      Referral number 602-257-4434
    • Pima County Bar
      Referral number 520-623-4625
    • National Domestic Violence Hotline
    • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
    • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program