Parental Rights & Obligations Article

Adoption and Child Welfare

The Adoption & Child Welfare LawSite is a free, online service for both adoptive families and professionals.  It is the nation’s only comprehensive searchable site for statutes, regulations, key cases and leading articles about adoption and child welfare law from all 50 states.


Summary of Arizona Adoption Statutes

This Summary includes the following information

  • Who May be Adopted

  • Who May Place an Adoptee

  • Who May Adopt

  • Who May not Adopt

  • Types of Adoptions

  • Consent Requirements and Information

  • Procedures

  • Safe Surrender Laws

  • Access to Records

  • Financial Issues

Summary of Arizona Termination of Parental Rights Statutes

This Summary includes statutes and explanations of following information

  • Involuntary Parental termination

  • Notice Rights

  • Grounds for Parental Termination

  • Process

  • Dispositions

  • To access links to Arizona statues, cases and articles about adoption and Child Welfare, go to 



    • If a parent surrenders their parental rights in the state of AZ,are they still obligated to pay child support?
    • I have a 4 yr old child.The father and were never married. Fathers name is on the birth certificate. He has never paid child support. The father does keep the child for the week end for the last 2 yrs. I want to move to another state. Will there be a legal issue?
    • I share joint custody of our 10 year old with my exhusband (I am primary), am I able to modify our visitation agreement if has not taken our son to school (called him in absent) for the last 5 Fridays in a row without my knowledge or consent?
    • do I have to go to court to sever parental rights if both parties are in agreement after and at home paternity test. Or can I just fill out a piece of paper have it notarized and submit that
    • After 6 months of being pregnant my boyfriend and I have separated and he wants nothing to do with our unborn child do i have to put his name on the birth certificate?
    • This is a plea for my best friend. She is desperate need of legal help. She has shared custody of her 7 year old daughter with the father of the daughter and his wife. Her ex and his wife have harassed her, have bullied her by coming to her work and causing a scene, that resulted in the police getting called. They have given consent for the daughter to have surgery without the consent of my friend (the girls mom) or even telling her that she was going to have surgery. My friend found out after the surgery was done and the girls face was swollen and purple.
    • my sons mother was just incarcerated this week for laiure to appear in court and two days later was arrested on another charge of burglary and armed robbery. as you can see she is not doing well and i fear for my sons well being i dont know where he lives, she kept him away from me and i do pay child support . how can i have him placed in my home i work i have two other kids and a extra bedroom for him. please help me
    • I previously had a custody hearing in front of the mediator with my ex husband. My new boyfriend was his friend and we all hung out every weekend. We are getting divorced now and I'm seeing his friend. We decided on 50/50 custody. But he doesn't want his old friend, my current boyfriend, near our 3 year old son cause he had a couple bar fight charges and a drug charge 5 years ago. My new boyfriend was always at are house with us and our son. Now he's harmful?The mediator decided we can't live together until a hearing. So he asked to modify it a week later now, he can't even be in public with him. What do I do?
    • the father of my 5 yr old daughter is incarcerated.His name is not on the bith certificate paternity has not been esablished.He has a violent past.he has chid abuse & kidnapping on his public record.I have a res. order in place can he still receive custody or visitation?
    • Does my daughter have to have her own room? My ex boyfriend kicked us out and now wants custody of my daughter because we share a bed at my grandma's home




    • Please select your county of residence below.



    • State Bar of Arizona
    • Maricopa County Bar
      Referral number 602-257-4434
    • Pima County Bar
      Referral number 520-623-4625
    • National Domestic Violence Hotline
    • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
    • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program