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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • Is it required by Arizona state law that a home must have a working cooling system if it is being rented? Also is it requires that a landlord must have a full septic tank pumped before renting a home out?
  • If you are under a deferred adjudication on domestic violence charges are you still allowed to purchase a firearm. Went to court was put on a "deferred sentencing" which stated charges would be dropped after I completed program. Was never told to relinquish my current firearms and was never told that I could not purchase any. Just curious of your thoughts. Thanks You
  • I own my townhouse . I live in a self governed CO-OP . We vote to elect our own board We have a Management Co that we employ and pay . We have a new President on our board . I've lived here 9 yrs . This individual has lived here 2yrs . He wants to inspect every ones Home once a year now . This has never been done before and isn't in our bylaws . Is this legal ? I don't want him in my home . Can he just make up new rules without a vote from the other owners ?
  • I can't afford an attorney even through the modest means program & no one is willing to help me pro bono. I filed for divorce from my abusive husband & we reached a settlement agreement on 4/28/16. But he continues to use the judicial system to make false accusations against me & keep me in court. How can I stop this harassment, and why won't any attorneys help me pro bono? So many claim to be DV advocates but no one is advocating for me & my daugher.
  • I was fired for reporting a crime and do not have money for an attorney. What is the process in order to file a case myself.
  • My estranged wife of 9+ years left me for another man who by her instruction attempted murder on me where I died 2 times that day. She went back to the reservation in AZ where I cannot find her nor do I want to. How do I receive a divorce from her on the grounds of adultery, domestic violence, abandonment and attempted murder. We have no children or property togather. I am Sioux she is dine' but was a member of the wheatfield/tsaile chapter house. who do I file with and how? please e me at [email protected] it is 9-25-15
  • What if agent representing landlord only has a number which is a voicemail?
  • Can my landlord except half the rent and still keep charging me late fees???
  • I am a single mom. I live in Yavapai County. I had to be air lifted to Phoenix at 23 weeks pregnant and gave birth to my 1 lb. daughter. She has been in the hospital in phoenix since birth on January 29, 2013. I want to file for child support but someone told me I have to wait until she is 6 months old because she has to live in Yavapai county (her home)for 6 months. Since she has only lived at the hospital in Maricopa county. What do I do?
  • Me and my ex have a custody agreement but yet on my legal days she will not allow me to have him. How can she do that, and what are my rights? I do not feel I should have to pay child support if I am not being given my court ordered time. I also was wondering who is responsible for travel payment, because she moved out of state and will not pay to fly him to me for my legal days, she says I need to either pay to fly him out here or I can drive to Northern Arizona to get him if I want him on my legal days, can she do that?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program