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  • My ex-wife and i have been divorced since 2010 and I was ordered to pay child support for our 3 children and there has been no modifications since our divorce. Two of our children are now over 18 and the youngest is 14. He will come to live with me this month and go to school in Oklahoma. How do I get child support to stop while he is living with me and attending school?
  • My lease specifically states landlord can do an annual inspection. She has requested an inspection every month for the past 3months. She also wants to come in the middle of the day when I work. She is just looking for a way to get her house back. I've given in to her inspections the past months. Now I'm done with it. I can't keep leaving work because she wants to abuse her landlord rights. Can I refuse her this time since she's abusing and my lease states annual inspection? I need help fast! I told her I couldn't be home and she insists she's coming anyway. Thank you!
  • If you are not the landlord of some one who lives in the same home as you in the garage again I am not third landlord and this person doest pay the power bill it gets shut off I am forced to turn it on in my name and I told him he can pre pay me the 121st bill what his part would be or I would not turn on the power to the garage because I wasn't going to pay for him to use the power and not pay do I have that right?
  • I have been paying an overpayment fee each month for the past sveral years which has totaled over $1000. The original reason was proven to be invalid and nothing has ever been adjusted. The reason was because for one 6 month period somehow it was reported that a felony conviction was in my criminal record which was not reported on my app because it was not true.I have never had a felony conviction.This has been an issue I have been trying to correct since it's started and nothing has been done.Please assist me with this issue.
  • How may I obtain an audit of payments that I have made to the Department Of Veterans Affairs Debt Management Center. I have been having paying these people for apporx. 30 years. They have never stopped I have never faught them. I have been disabled for the last ten years. I am now on social security, and once again they are taking funds from a fixed income. I would like to get a full audit from 2005 forward. What can I do? One other thing they took funds from me while I was on V.A. pension.
  • my daughter is 23 and has a 1 year old the babies father is involved but they are no longer together but she wants to move back home to PA can she be forced to stay in AZ? or can she just move back home also she works full time and he also pays child support to his ex for there 2 children
  • For the past 2 months, Apartments have been having hot water issues. Month of October had no hot water for 2 to 3 days and now in November about 4 days. Hot water has been off on the morning of 11/20/2019 and suppose to be back on afternoon of 11/21/2019. Wondering if there is recourse or a credit on my rent for the month. Pay 735 a month to live there.
  • My landlord just have us 2 months notice to move by text message. Can my landlord due that during a time of state emergency?
  • A judgment has been issued on me for an unpaid credit card balance of $1320.00. Can the lawyers handling this force the sale of my possessions. I live solely on Widow's Pension of $1040 per month.
  • What is the best route to take with my landlord? There is a dead mouse deep in the stove/oven. I cannot use it and my house smells bad from it. The landlord says I have to pay him $50 to replace it as it is for my use.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program