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  • My girlfriend is due any day now. She has been doing drugs throughout the pregnancy and trying to put the baby up for adoption. I am the father and am out of work and don't have a stable place to live. If both my girlfriend and I agree can I sign the baby over to my mom and will Cps still get involved if we do so. She just signed an adoption plan so would my mom still be able to take the baby home. I am against the adoption.
  • What are the laws on if a parent moves out of state but has joint custody
  • Are landlords allowed to park across the street and watch a unit at 2:30am ? only to later use what he or she saw as evidence in an informal hearing to terminate a tenant?
  • Can I use my Arizona Quest card in any State
  • I am an unwed mother, who filed for restraining order against the father, a few months after the birth of our son. I understand that I am legally the sole custodian until we establish paternity. The father is in the birth certificate. If let’s say, I lost all contact and have no idea where the father is since we had a restraining order, how will I reach him if I decide one day to go to court and file abandonment and hope to obtain a sole custody written court order?
  • I took a diversion deal for two DV misdemeanor charges, resulting in 26 counseling sessions and 36 mo. probation. Since the conviction has not been entered, once I finish the counseling program, can I get the charges dismissed or do I have to wait until completing at least 18 months of probation?
  • I filed for divorce 6yrs ago paid all that money and they say i am still married. My Husband has moved back to morrocco and i dont know how to find him. havent seen him in 6yrs how do i get a divorce from him if i cant find him?
  • One year lease ended, converting to month to month lease, per provision in original lease. Landlord now says they want either a $300 fee to write a new lease or add a monthly $50 fee if month to month. There is nothing stated in original lease that either of these fees would be applied after the initial year ended. Is this legal?
  • I am contacting you on behalf of a close friend. She is disabled and had two children one of which are disabled. She has a USDA loan on her home.(Nov.21st 2010) She made all of her payments on the first of the month when her disability check was deposited. Then in October of 2014 she called to make her payment and they would not accept it. Instead they told her that her home was in foreclosure. She has since tried every month to make her payment but they will not take it. I would greatly appreciate any help or advise. Thank you.
  • I had previously filled out paperwork to request a modification hearing. A hearing was scheduled but I would like to withdraw that request at this time. When I requested this I was unemployed and unable to pay, but I am now employed and paying as agreed, so I no longer need this modification. Is it possible to cancel this request and court hearing since I'm the one that requested this modification?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program