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  • We have a custody order that is 9 years old and never been abided by the child suppose be with me on weekends and dad in the week but has lived with me for couple years now we have never went by the order now I’m engaged he is trying to enforce it is the order still good
  • I have a 2 year old from my previous marriage. Her father moved out of state after we separated and filled for divorce since i did not know of his whereabouts i was given sole custody. I have not changed my last name back to my maiden name because i wanted my daughter to have my same last name. Can i add my last name after her father's last name? maybe hyphenated? what is the process? does her father have to sign? where do i go to start the process?
  • How do i know what doctor i can use for my newborn?
  • My boyfriend has two kids with his ex and is paying child support.Whenever the ex feels like keeping the kids from him she will,Sometimes for a year at a time. His kids have expressed that they want to be with him. What can he do to get visitation and/or joint custody?
  • My 85 year old mother passed away suddenly on May 25. 2013. She had a lease and a security deposit of $200.00. The apartment complex has suddenly (after 3 months of attempting to get it returned after perfect walk through results) decided that I am not able to get any security deposit. Also, refuse to return my extra monies paid to stay for 14 days to remove my mother's items. I was assured that all of the money would be returned to me but now that they have a new owner, they state that they will not return any of the money that they agreed to return to me. AZ law states that they were to notify me within 14 days if any problems with refund with her security deposit or they have to pay double the amount back. Is this applicable in this case? I have continuously attempted to contact them regarding this issue and I finally got a bunch of passing the blame answers and this is three months late.
  • My dad withheld and lied about a paper I signed to gain cess and take my investment money. it's been 9 years and he refuses to give it back and I suspect he uses it for personal use. What can I do to get it back.
  • Is a landlord responsible to remove bees from a property?
  • I am trying to file a modification for support. I have talked to numerous agencies regarding the fact that I have no information (salary and address) for the other party involved. DCSE told me to file it with my info and they would send the packet to the other party to be completed. A clerk of the court rep. said that I had to make some effort to serve the other party- or my modification would be thrown out. What is the actual answer to whether or not I can file with just my information, and the court will send off the packet or if I have to attempt to serve the other party?
  • How do i adopt my step son (13yrs).His mother and i are getting a divorce and have been separated for over a year. adoption will be uncontested by both parents. The child wants to live with me and has been for the last year along with his 4 brothers and sisters .I have been his step-father since he was 6 months old. I am ready to remarry after the divorce is final.Do i get the divorce , re-marry, Then adopt him or do i have to stay married in order to adopt him? Note:The mother may have a life threatening condition and wants to make sure he stays with me in the case that she dies.
  • what are the income guidelines




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program