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  • How long a landlord take to fix your a/c?
  • I live in a home that my mother bought for me 20yrs ago. The home is still in my mother's name who lives at a separate residence My oldest daughter got a divorce and had been living with her boyfriend at his parents house. Her and her boyfriend are both heroin addicts. Recently she called me needing my help and stating she wanted to change her life and get away from the heroin and her boyfriend. She swore she was serious. I told her this was her last chance with me and to make sure she's ready cuz I wont do it again. She has not stopped anything and I want her out of my house. What do i do?
  • my landlord had provided me a 5 day notice. I went to the office and gave them a large portion of the rent and entered into a promise to pay. I paid off the promise to pay which included all the applicable late fees. My landlord then stated I must sign a promise to pay for an additional $500. I refused.I ask for an explanation and they refuse to tell me where the extra money is coming from. I filed an action in court for unlawful rent increase. Couple days after they were served with compliant, I come and had a "Notice to Terminate Agreement. Isn't this retaliatory action? Can they do this?
  • my apartmetns complex recently change management, I have been there for almost 3 yrs never had a problem now they are saying that I have to get rid f my plant, my electrical grill and charcoal grill which I know that im not suppose to use on my balcony, i use it 10 feet away from there which they say its allowed it does not say anywhere on my lease that I cannot have that on my patio balcony now they are saying that i have to get rid of them or they will do it for me is this allow?
  • My question is my ex boyfriend and I discussed taking out a title loan on our truck . We are both on the title. We agreed to do it but I’m the one that drove down and filed for the loan. So my name is primary on the Loan contract. After that he decides to leave me he takes our truck and blocks me so I can’t speak to him. He refuses to pay the loan payments. He also has our truck. I don’t think I should have to pay for a truck I no longer drive . They want the truck or their money ? What should I do?
  • My husband and I basically raised Our grandson for The first 3 1/2 years of his life. Then our son took our Grandson and moved out with a girlfriend. For the next two years we Would have him for 7 to 10 days at a time Then would go back with his father for a few days Then back to us. He started kindergarten about three months ago, So we got him on the weekends And would talk to him on the phone a couple times during the week .Our son and girlfriend got upset with us over something we said We have not seen our talk to him in a month and a half . Do I have any kind of legal visitation rights ?
  • I submitted a petition to modify parenting and child support, where the respondent did not initially agree. The respondent has since agreed to the petition to avoid the conflict resolution conference. What forms do I need to file to reflect this change and the respondents new found cooperation?
  • I am renting a apartment that was once a motel room. From a realtor who im assuming is the landlord. For $450 a month. My question is can she evict me for things that WERE NOT mentioned to me or given to me in a form of a "lease or rental agreement". She is trying to evict me for trash that i supposedly had outside my unit. When in fact the day i moved in there was a huge pile of trash bags next to my unit there was no dumpster provided and no mail box even till this day. The 25 of November 2018. Other tenets have there electricity through her i dont and have no power what can i do.
  • I live in a 55+ park, manager says he has a right to come in my back yard anytime he pleases. My bedroom faces backyard, I don't feel very comfortable with this. Can he legally do this without prior notification?
  • I have tenants (couple) in my house who were let in by the last tenant. They have no lease, have paid no money. What are my rights? The house is in Maricopa County I am in AK.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program