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  • To be accused of burglery does it have to be inside a building
  • What is a disability under the ADA?
  • I currently live out of state with my children. My ex's lawyer and him have manipulated the truth and twisted things around to make things go in his favor knowing I would not be able to afford the legal counsel to continue the fight. Can I somehow stop him from using that lawyer in the future? How can I find a lawyer now that my family and I are tapped out and we are still paying legal fees? We still have several issues and I would like a mediator/lawyer to correct things however, I do not know where to start now that we are in another state and I can't afford legal counsel. What do I do?
  • I was arrested an charged with assault. It was all based on a lie that my ex-gf told the police. My lawyer proved the lie and the charges were dropped. I spent 4 days in jail, lost my job, and spent over $10000 in legal fees. PPD won't go back and charge her. She has little money, but I want some justice. I was thinking about small claims court since I can do that on my own. Does that court handle pain and suffering claims?
  • My son's father isn't on the original birth certificate do I have to get a new one if he was proven to be the father.
  • My husband and I have been married 30 years. In the divorce papers he filed I am to receive nothing. I want to fight for spousal maintenance. I only work part time and have for 20 years. I have osteo arthritis in my knees and it is difficult to for me to get around. What are my rights? Also, all the stress he has put me under made me have a minor heart attack a few months ago. What about medical. I know when the divorce is final it ends. I can't get it through my job. It's too expensive. What are my rights?
  • We just moved out of a rental and we had it professional cleaned and carpets cleaned. Our landlord is deducting from our deposit depreciation for the carpet. we lived there three years and in those 3 years we had the kids rooms get a couple small stain. I understand the stains but can the land lord take money away from us for depreciation on the carpet? every house is going to get depreciation over time and use and they are the one renting it out and even if they weren't they would be living in it them selves. if a landlord can do that than they are going to start doing it for the house. Ty
  • A friend told my ex that I have been advised to get a RO against him. He retaliated by getting a false one against me- before I could  on against him. Its been 6months now, but I want to contest this and also get him one cos he is still going around asking people of my whereabout.I'm scared of this man and his terrible anger.pls what do I do? I can't afford an attorney at all. Where do I start? Is there a lawyer who can represent a domestic violence victim for free or future payment?
  • The Judge granted me a divorce 12/08/06.My ex keeps filing Motions to the courts requesting to stop the default divorce. The Judge has already denied two as previously denied by the courts. What can I do to make her stop, or is there any paperwork I can file for her to stop.
  • In Arizona, do I have the right to rescind/cancel a contract for cable tv services, if I did so because of misrepresentation by the cable company representative regarding cost savings and I cacelled in less than 24 hrs




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program