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  • Can the county foreclose on my condo due to non-payment of RE taxes?
  • We have been having trouble with our A/C unit for over a year now and each time the landlord "fixes" it it breaks soon after. Last summer our place was uninhabitable for 3 weeks. The landlord "fixed" our AC twice already this week. Today they showed up to let us know it's still broken. What do we do?
  • Does someone who is in jail for not paying child support receive any credit toward his child support for each day he/she is incarcerated? The pastor from my church told me he believes it to be $100/day
  • I bought a timeshare in Nevada, but due to my husbands remission of cancer and my multiple sclerosis, we can no longer make the payments. If they foreclose on the timeshare can they garnish my wages in Arizona
  • I have filed for a legal separation and want to drop it, can this be done? I have filed the acceptance papers, and my husband has not responded yet. we are trying to work out our problems and not ready for a divorce. How do I go about rescinding the filing?
  • My landlord has turned off my access to my porch light in order to save money. My entrance is in the back of the house where it s extremely dark. Entrance into the area is through a gate where the step has eroded away, making for a dangerous entrance, even in the light. Is my landlord required to provide a safe entryway, including lighting?
  • My father who is 70 years old was approached by a Phoenix company. How do I find out if this company is legitimate? I think it's a scam and want to convince my Dad - as he is already filling out the paperwork. Thank you for your help in this matter.
  • My son is abt to be 4 years old. He has my last name because while I was pregnant his father was abusive physical & emotionally hurting me , he was also abusing drugs and dealing drugs . He was putting too much stress on me I wanted him as far away from me as possible it wasn't good for my pregnancy . When I had my son only my last name was given . His dad & I try working it out but throught out time he was still being abusive , doing drugs getting d.u.i going to jail . Cheating on me I had enough . I met a wonderful man that I fell in love with as soon as I moved on my sons father broke into my apartment & vandalized 3000 worth of my things .. I don't get a penny from the guy . Now he has a black on blank Benz . He has a Bently he has a monster truck . He has a motor cycle hardly Davidson & dune buggy while I'm struggling with my son to get by . My boyfriend was supporting us him & I are no longer together . How can I get child support from the guy without him getting any legal right
  • If I signed a one year lease with a landlord and now a new landlord buys the property, does the new landlord have to honor that lease? Or can he tell me to leave? Does he pay my security deposit or does the old landlord pay my security deposit?
  • I've been married for 10 yrs,all of which I have been a homemaker.My spouse and I have 2 kids one is disabled.Since separating he has tried to control me with money,only giving me $150 biweekly which I am to support the kids on.I have filed for divorce and am awaiting our hearing for temporary orders.Before I left I paid the bills as I usually did.But he then took over our joint account where he let checks bounce.One I was turned into county attorney for.They are now on me to pay it.I have 0 income barely feeding kids it was his bill for home.Can I legally withdraw $ from jnt acct to pay this?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program