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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • In the past I have called in the police for help because my husband was hit, pushing or verbal abusing, but there was " never any mark or signs of abuse" so they said they couldn't help me. Las night out of nowhere he started to hit me again and push away some big soda bottles that my daughter and I were working on and did hit my daughter. But ones again I but have that many marks. Can I ask for help?
  • i was kicked out of my nursing program 3months before i was due to graduate because a background check company falsely reported a 13 year old misdemeanor drug possession. because of their mistake I also lost my externship job offer. I have since provided that company documentain from the state they claim i was accussed in confirming they're error. I was reinstated into my program and have since graduated but it took me a year and I racked up a large bill fighting them. they ruined my life for a year and I want to sue them for the financial burdens they caused me. Im not sure how to start this
  • i have a 5 month old. the father has isnt on the birth certificate, hasnt filed for rights or establishment of paternity through the courts or anything. he rarely sees the child and when he does its only when its convenient for him. and 98% of the time, he doesnt even claim the child as his own. for example: he tells me to have the real father pay for things. i do not know his current address and was curious about something. i am currently in a relationship with someone new. if i were to marry this person, could he legally adopt the my child? what would he have to do to legally adopt my child?
  • Am I legally required to return an engagement ring after the wedding has been called off?
  • After signing my lease agreement and after moving in, my landlord had some guy come to the house to do a stucco job due to termites. We were not aware of the house having termite until after we were settled in. The guy said he would come back to work on the house because he needed the landlord signature to start the repairs. Well I guess my landlord never signed the paper because the guy never returned. It has been months and we still have termites. What can I do in this situation.
  • Is a debt consider legally binding if it is more than 7 years old?
  • I purchased a farm using two different private loans(no banks). One loan was on a promissory note. Animals were used as the collateral on the note. Having defaulted on the note, I have turned over all the animals to the party owed. Is there an Arizona law or case that establishes the turnover of collateral as discharge of the note? Can you recommend a method for me to find this specific information. Thanks
  • If a parent has court ordered supervised visits with specific day, time, and location designated by the court are they able to see their children outside of this court ordered time and place?
  • I cohabitated with my domestic partner (DP) age 54 for 16 years.  To our friends and co-workers, we were a married couple.  Then, five years ago, my DP started a sexual relationship with a female co-worker, age 28.  The affair took on a whole new situation four years ago when she gave birth to a baby girl.  When teh baby was approximately six months old, I wanted to meet the child because my DP and I had remained together.  As it turned out, I fell in love with her as the months and years rolled by and, for the most part, my DP, the child, and I were a happy family on visiting days.  Nine weeks ago, he moved with her.  Can I ask for vistation in court?

  • Is rent late if mailed on due date and lanlords live in another state




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program