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  • I live wi my 3 year old son and i have not had hot water for three day. I asked the couple days ago. And still no hot water. Please help.
  • I read a similar but not exact question, so I'd still like to ask one. My son's biological father & I went through a custody case in 2013. He was granted extremely limited parenting time, but (for some reason) joint legal decision making. It's now been almost 2 years and we haven't seen from or heard from him. I'd like to sever his parental rights, and my current partner is considering adopting my son. The question I read earlier cited ARS numbers, but that doesn't help. I have a doc: "Petition for Termination of Parent-Child Relationship". Is that correct? What if they can't find him?
  • Father is on medical leave and claims he has no funds or getting any disability is he still suppose to pay. What do I do to get by I count on the support to live
  • Landlord was notified about roach problem. Landlord hired pest control services. Three months later, previous pest control services had no effect. Tenant notified landlord. Tennant hired own pest control services. Pest problem going down. Today, water heater caught fire and now needs replaced. Cause of fire is most likely the roaches. Can Tennant break lease legally and without reprocussions or have rental payment returned?
  • I received a summons for something I am unsure what it is about. The penalty codes for the summons are as followed ;J.C.R.C.P. 104(a) A.R.S. 25-215(B) and A.R.S 12-341 please help me to understand what the heck is going on.
  • after signing a plea bargain is there a possibility to appeal? If the police report shows contradictions who do i contact to investigate entrapment?
  • can a parent file a injunction against harassment against his daughters boyfriend if the daughter does not want it and if the boyfriend did not do anything
  • When I apply for a job, should I tell them about my disability?
  • I moved to Az over 2 years ago and have a 6 year old daughter. Her father and I have joint custody of her in the State Of New Mexico. Does that agreement still hold up in the state of Arizona, as we were never married? Would i have to obide by the joint custody plan that we signed in New Mexico in 2009 or would i be able to get custody of my child in Arizona?
  • My 18 year old daughter, who has been on her own for 1 1/2 years since I became disabled, just signed up for beauty school and they want my information for a loan and I receive ssi. Am I obligated to sign papers for her to get a loan?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program