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  • If you are 18 and still in high school, can your parents legally kick you out ?
  • My father remarried two years ago. His health is taking a turn for the worse and he will need assisted living soon. They currently live in independent living with a meal plan. His own retirement is enough to cover the cost of assisted living, but his new wife is spending money on groceries that they don't need - about 900 dollars a month. The family is thinking of getting my dad out of this situation, but we don't know what the best thing to do is. What steps should we take?
  • My landlord is evicting me for non-pymt. I did remind them the govt is shut down and could they just apply my deposit to the rent. They know i am on dialysis and my only income come from my x-husband. They made me sign a 5 day notice to pay or quit. Do i have to leave in 5 days?
  • To be accused of burglery does it have to be inside a building
  • I divorced in Seattle 11 years ago and my ex moved down to Phoenix with my son and I moved down here 5 years ago. He is 13 now and I have always paid child support but I have no record of it, as we did not go through the courts for this. I am getting married in a few months and want to have something signed or some document stating that I have paid child support for the last 13 years and something that shows I continue to pay directly to her every month. Is there something like that here in AZ that will protect me from her stating I never paid?
  • What is the income limit for a family of three
  • I gave my ex verbal notice of my relocation with my 4 year old, 2 mos prior to the relocation. He was receptive and understood my reasoning. I sent a letter cert. mail and it was returned to me because he failed to pick it up. So I then hired a process server, which was successful. Its now 4 days before my moving date and he has served me w/ a summons to establish parenting time and custody. My position at work has already been filled and I'm to be out of my apartment by the 5th. Am i obligated to stay in the state now? Or can i temporarily relocate?
  • I moved out of this apartment complex 4 years ago. Never recieved any letters, e-mails, or phone calls regarding famages or fees. So I assumed there wasnt any. I left that apartment spotless and was om a good credit agreement where I paid a small non refundable deposit apposed to a larger refundable one. Here we are 4 years later after I recieve an e-mail stating I owe them money! This is their first contact with me since I moved out. Can they still hold me accountable after all this time? I feel as though they are just trying to scam me for money.
  • can an employer hire a 17 year old as a sales person at a dealership? they do have a drivers license.
  • The Manager says I have to fix my driveway because it is crumbling and full of holes that were there when I rented their lot 20 years ago and now are worse because the driveway was thin and inferior. I have not signed a document that says I am responsible for the repair of their driveway. Do I have to repair their driveway?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program