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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • On a Saturday night me and my ex got in a fight. It was nothing to big i thought. I went to bed and as I did i punched the wall and put a small hole in it. She slept on the couch. The next day i got up and she was not there. I called her to see where she was and she said that she wanted to separate. That was about 5pm on Sunday. We fought over the phone. I called her twice. Then about 8or9 the cops showed up and took my guns. Tuesday night they showed up again and kicked me out of my house and said she got a protection order against me. How is this possible? And it's for a year.
  • The lease for my apartment ended on the 31st of the month. The office assistance told me to turn in my key on the 1st before 5pm. I did as told when I turned in the key on 1st at 3pm they said i will be charged for additional month’s rent due to the extra day i stayed in the apartment not charged for the one day but charged a whole extra $699 rent. They implied that i should have turned the key in the drop box before the office opened and were “sorry” for mis-communication. They directly told me the 1st before 5pm.
  • Where do I go for help writing a will?
  • I have a step son who’s 18 yo and will be 19 in a month who recently just had a baby. My question is this, he recently received a paternity court summons and in the summons it says he has 20 days to respond. Needless to say he hasn’t responded and he’s just ignoring the summons. What will happen if he continues to ignore this summons? It’s already passed the 20 day window.
  • My permanent resident card was stolen while on vacation. I am considering filing for citizenship, must I first replace the green card prior to or in conjunction with filing for citizenship? Thank you so much.
  • what can I do if the owner sold the property and the new management is telling me I have to get my deposit back from him and he lives out of state???? The owner also owes me for unpaid wages during my employment there. He took me to court 4 times for payment of non rent but instructed the managers NOT to accept my rent payments. The courts ruled in my favor and I owed him zero. I was still evicted and had 5 days to move. I did a walk-thru with a manager and I left it move-in ready yet I'm fighting now for my deposit... any suggestions?????? Please.
  • iam a 57 year old mother of 8 children. ive been married to the smae man for over 37 he says he wants out,or move out.we still have a 13 year old daughter to support. what do i do. im not not getting any younger i need advise help
  • How long does my landlord have to make a repair that affects the security of my building, such as a broken door that allows people who don’t live here to enter a building that they advertise as secure? If they do not make that repair in that time frame, do I have the right to withhold rent?
  • How do I request a name change for my minor son?
  • My landlord has not paid property taxes this year and is behind on the morgage pymts. The house is not in foreclosure yet. Does he still have the right to evict me for non-pymnt. ?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program