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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I have sold my manufactured home (Personal property?) on a rented lot in AJ. Are there any rules or regulations as to who and how the check for the sale is sent to me? Can my broker and/or agent deposit the money for me in an account if I'm not able to attend the closing? Thank you.
  • Are you still liable for child support when an application for name change is granted?
  • I moved out of this apartment complex 4 years ago. Never recieved any letters, e-mails, or phone calls regarding famages or fees. So I assumed there wasnt any. I left that apartment spotless and was om a good credit agreement where I paid a small non refundable deposit apposed to a larger refundable one. Here we are 4 years later after I recieve an e-mail stating I owe them money! This is their first contact with me since I moved out. Can they still hold me accountable after all this time? I feel as though they are just trying to scam me for money.
  • my son was required to observe a criminal court docker in circuit court. He has to write a report about it and answer four questions. We don't understand one of the questions. Can you tell me what this question is asking? What have learned from this observation about the rights I am afforded and the responsibilities I have towards others?
  • What's the curfew For a 16yr old girl in city of Peoria.
  • My sole income is Social Security. I just received a civil summons from my old credit union for my credit card debit. Can they garnish my Social Security income? My Social Security is direct deposited into my bank account. I CAN NOT afford an attorney, just wanted to know my rights.
  • Our apartment has a black mold problem because of a slow leak in the wall. When out landlords insurance adjustor came to see the damage he informed us that the landlord was required to test the mold to find out if it was toxic. When we asked our landlord about testing he said he didn't have to test it just clean it up. Which is true? We would like them to test it so we know what we have been living in.
  • My daughter is in Perryville prison. and needs to get a divorce packet. I don't have much money. What do I do for her?
  • I am a single mom of 4 children (20, 19, 13, & 10). I divorced the children's father almost 8 yrs ago. I have full sole custody, and he was granted supervised visitation 2 hrs a week. Soon after the divorce, he stopped seeing or contacting the children. He currently has 5 felony warrants in the state of AZ for drugs and such and owes large fines. He fled the state about 6 yrs ago. And has not been seen or heard from since then. I want to know what I can do in lieu of custody of my children in the event of my death. Obviously the older children are safe; however, my 2 younger children I am concerned about. They do not know him or even know what he looks like. A long time fear of mine is that he could come and take them from family and friends here. Am I able to leave them to a more capable and safe guardian? And if so, what can I do without racking up large attorney fees? Thanks so much.
  • I was informed for them to fix the street light it had to run off my electric meter and i would get a 10.00 break on lot rent do i have to agree?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program