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You may wish to try one of the following link:


  • How long must a person wait to be eligible for food stamps after a drug conviction? What can a person do to redeem themselves?
  • I have been evicted from my apartment,and I have to be out on the 26th of this month ( March 26,2014). I don't have no place to take my stuff. My question is, by law does the landlord have to store my belongings for a certain number of days until I pick them up?
  • In Arizona, can I move out at the age of sixteen with parental consent? I plan to move to Wyoming, I will have a place to live immediately upon arrival. I will have a part time job and plan on graduating high school.
  • does a five day notice have to be signed or notorized by the landlord and can it be given to any one that is home or to the tentants, cna the personm the five day notice give anyone info to regards to the tentants payment or to be seued ?
  • We made out a will and had it noterized. It is in our safety deposit box. Does a copy of this will have to go to any city, county, state, lawyers, office? If so, which one? Thanks
  • i was putting tires in tire ben at discount tire when the cops pulled up and said i was stealing tires and arrested me for third degree burg. that was two years ago . i had no tires in my truck the dopor to the tire ben was open . put the cop said she saw men putting tires in my truck . do the cops have engouh to convict me on just what the cop said
  • In an order of protection, how many feet does it grant/rule for the abuser to stay away from me?
  • Who do I file a complaint with if I have not received my security deposit or any statments within 14 days?
  • I have an order of protection against my husband that has not been served to him yet. If I agree to meet him at the police station parking lot to exchange our daughter, will the judge dismiss the order if my husband later contests it?
  • My wife and 3 children have been renting a home in mesa for a year now. The landlord has permanently moved to Oregon and has who ever she decides come over and leave us threating notes and notes on my wifes car. her so called "step dad" has harrassed my wife while at work on numerous occasions because he doesnt like my attitude and always has weird request for us..Our AC went out on Memorial Day and my landlord was notified and he svd as the landlrd name for the diag chk of the compl broke a/c. $3800 new, $2600 repair....She told us that when we send our rent in shed fix..stil no air. eviction




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program