Welcome to Arizona′s Online Application for Legal Assistance

The online application is a pre–qualification process to help determine if users are eligible for free or reduced cost legal help and which legal help program will best meet the user′s needs. Additional information or action may be required to finalize your application. Please be sure to read and follow all instructions at the end of the application.

Click here to start an application

Thank you to the American Bar Endowment for making it possible for the A2J Author system to be mobile friendly and more accessible to all Arizonans.

Are you looking for legal information or legal forms to represent yourself?
Visit https://AZCourtHelp.org and https://AZLawHelp.org.


  • Who provides free legal assistance in Arizona other than DNA & Catholic social services because they can't help me!
  • My husbands ex wife took out a loan on him without his permission and him being there. Is there any criminal or legal options to pursue her or is this something we have to civilly approach?
  • My home has recently been foreclosed on. I have a HELOC attached to the dwelling. Am I responsible for repaying this debt?
  • I rented a room in my home to a school teacher that was being evicted from her house, I felt sorry for her and wanted to help her out. I only wanted a month to month lease but decided to give her a 2 1/2 month lease the lease states that the term of the lease will terminate on Nov.30, 2016. In the addition terms it states if the landlord and tenant agree to renew the agreement that it would be a month to month rental. One week into our agreement I told her I would not be renewing our lease after it expire, She is refusing to leave and said I didn't give her 30 day notice. What can I do ?
  • Can I make someone leave my house if they haven't been paying rent or utilities. They have lived here for 5 months.
  • My ex wife and I share joint custody. I have since remarried and have another child. I will have my child from my first marriage while my ex is deployed. I told her that he would be spending a few weeks with his brother at his grandparents house from my marriage now. She responded with she is giving her Mom her custodial rights while she is gone and has threatened to have me banned from letting them spend time without me around with his Grandparents from my current marriage because they are not blood relatives. Can she do this and if so what can I do.
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • If I was being charged by landlord for pet without it being listed in my contract are they supposed to reimburse the money that was charged? This was going on almost a year-and-a-half, until I went directly to the management can I have the fees taken off.
  • I have joint custody of my 2 older children, my youngest child I am engaged to her father and we are living together. My two oldest children's fathers pay child support well one does other hasn't and don't. My oldest child father is involved but my 2nd child father hasn't called, hasn't seen her,nothing in like 6 years (she doesn't want to see him). All children live with me and my fiance. I was wondering if my fiance could adopt them with me so we both have custody of them together & how would the child support work?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program