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  • I want to file for full custody of my children. Their father judt up and left nine months ago and have not tried to have contact with them. Now out of the blue he wants to come back and see them. He was emotionally abusive to my son and I. even physically sometimes. So how can I protect my childern?
  • My wife and i separated(not legally) about a year ago. She claimed she couldn't find work in Arizona. She asked for my permission to take our kids to texas for a few months to work and save money. She has sinced refused to return the kids and come back to Arizona. We both signed and had notary stamped a written agreement but she failed to honor it. She has no work currently but yet will not return our boys. Any help or council would be appreciated. I plan on filling divorce in arizona and petition shared custody in the next few days. What can i do to get my kids back?
  • I'm a school counselor and over the semester I've gotten to know my students. One in particular has a mother in Mexico, and is living home to home currently. Her current living situation is temporary. She's over 14 and wants a stable home. I'm willing and able to be a guardian. Would school policy, district policy, or situations where the child is not related to the guardian be an issue? Would a lawyer be recommended to aid this process?
  • When does a foreclosure come off a credit report? Seven years from the date the loan went into foreclosure, from the date of last payment or from the date of the sale at auction?
  • A windstorm took out several sections of the roof and about 50 feet of the brick wall that surrounds the backyard of the house I'm renting. How long dose the landlord have to fix everything? If it rains I'm worried that there will be damage to my property in the house and with the fence down that my pets are going to get out or attacked by wild animals.
  • My daughter's father has abandoned her for the last 6 years. Can I file for termination of parental rights and how do I do so.
  • My 16 year old son has a court date for his runaway charge. I have been told that he might be given volunteer hours and or a fine. What happens when he doesn't fulfill his penalty?
  • I am currently 5 months pregnant and the baby's father hasn't really been involved at all. He's leaving for a couple of months (for some job) and won't be back until after the baby is born so he will definitely miss the birth. If he's not there to sign the birth certificate do I have to list him as the father on the certificate? Can I leave his name out and just put mine. He's not interested in being a part of the baby's life so is there any way I can get sole custody?
  • I have not yet been fired but have been told that if I refuse to wear a face mask during this covid 19 thing I will will be fired. I have already been suspended. My employer has not posted or provided employees with any type of policy stating if you do not wear a mask here are the consequences. I called our Division VP and HR. They...prior to hanging up on me stated they are not required to provide us with a new policy. I was told that word of mouth is enough. Is this correct?
  • Our original divorce decree did not stipulate payment for secondary education. Can this be modified now that the children are 18 and in college. Child Support payments are still being made.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program