Child Support
questions & answers
Question: My son just turned 18. He should be entering his senior year in high school so the court papers say I pay child support until he is out of school or 19 years old. He quit school and was supposed to get his GED. He has not nor does it look like he ever will. “Until 19” clause was there to ensure support through high school. Since he is not enrolled, shouldn’t I be able to stop support since he is 18. I don’t support these choices made by him and his mother.
Answer: Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 25-501 states that support must continue past the age of 18 "while the child is attending high school or a certified high school equivalency program . . ." If you know for certain that your child is neither in school nor pursuing his GED, you have the option of filing with the court and getting an order allowing you to discontinue support.
My son just turned 18. He should be entering his senior year in high school so the court papers say I pay child support until he is out of school or 19 years old. He quit school and was supposed to get his GED. He has not nor does it look like he ever will. “Until 19” clause was there to ensure support through high school. Since he is not enrolled, shouldn’t I be able to stop support since he is 18. I don’t support these choices made by him and his mother.
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