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I was just recently terminated from my last job. my question is for the last 3 years I haven't been getting overtime pay and just over a year ago they started the profit sharing program am I able to get back pay?
Can a individual be charged 4 years later on charges from a crime scene investigation that was already investigated and charges imposed 4 years ago and the defendant took a plea deal on them? Anotherwords, during a burglary investigation and a search of a residence indicated items that were burglarized, along with drug parafanillia, no charges were filed regarding the burglary but charges were filed on the drug parafanillia and the defendant took a plea deal on them and sentenced 4 years all of a sudden they charge the defendant with the burglary, and the same drugp again 4yrs lat
I moved into an apt have been having issues with roaches, can I terminate my lease due to their inability to get rid of the roaches?
My apt. was flooded by the septic, raw sewage came out in my 2 bathrooms shower/tub. carpets soaked. I was not home at time, my children had noticed the problem, the neighbor contacted the management,her apt. was also flooded; when I arrived home and called it was after office hours; I contacted the build. maint. I told them we are not staying, we needed to be placed elsewhere, he talked with management, they gave us a 1 bdrm apt. myself and mother are both disabled. Is this not biohazard?? toxic? shouldnt the carpets be replaced? WHAT ARE MY RIGHTS?
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I took early social security years ago on my own social security I was married to my first husband 12 years could I have take full social on his.could I still
What forms does my husband need to file to get visitation of his daughters, the mother is in AZ and we are in NV. She is threatening to leave the state and not let him know where she is going. She has medical conditions and went to jail for domestic violence, even had her eldest daughter taken away because she abused her
My girlfriend of 23 years who has two boys from a previous age 33 & 26 and & our kids for years I worked and gave her my checks and she payed the bills,over the years we accomplished a lot, two homes& a 1bedroom apartment, recently I came home from work one day and she had moved out, leaving me with all bills and house payments.also she hadn't payed anything for 5 months,she had also signed the title to my car putting it in her name, can I press charges ?
I recently found out that my ex-husband (we were married at the time) was continuing to collect my unemployment benefits under my name for 5 months after I started a new job! DES is now trying to sue me for collecting unemployment! Is there any way to prove that HE was the one collecting my unemployment and NOT me (he was collecting it via the automated weekly claim over the phone)?! How can I prosecute or go after him for the money owed and not me!?
If someone was convicted of domestic violence 3 years ago, can they by any way file any motions to get the fines reduced by the court? or file for any motions to set aside the conviction?
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
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State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Maricopa County Regional Homeless Court
View full description - Confidential Intermediary Program
View full description - Arizona Secretary Of State
View full description - Association of Arizona Food Banks
View full description - Community Legal Services - Statewide Farmworker Program
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