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  • I'm older than 21 and I think I need glasses. Does ahcccs (health choice)cover anything to do with that?
  • Leased house partially furnished,tenant sold furnishings, appliances,wood shop equips,full tractors/attachments.missing had value of 18'000-20'000 dollars.
  • I live in an apartment where utilities are included. My landlord shut off the heat last week is this legal?
  • The mobile home I rent was severely damaged in a monsoon storm back in May of this year. The entire roof was ripped off and in some areas (my bedroom ) I was able to see the sky! It took a little over a week before they had someone come START repairs. During the wait the rain continued. My roof was repaired However, the water damage in the inner ceiling has not. My ceiling is caving in and the mold in my bathroom is visible . The manager is NEVER in the office and I don’t know how to get them to repair it. My rent and utilities continue to be paid in full each month some help please
  • Question-once a work schedule of an employee has been posted can the employer make changes to the schedule w/o consulting the employee, and if employee can not accommodate the change can the employer retaliate with disciplinary action.
  • When does FMLA start over? When can you use it again? Does it vary between employers? I used 12 weeks ending April 17th 2015. When would I be eligible again? My employer said at some point you could get partial of the 12 months and that it's a rolling 12 months. Please explain. I'm so confused.
  • If a couple married for 14 years and live in the same house in case of divorce who owns the house if the house was bought before the marriage by one of the spouse?
  • A friend and myself got into an argument which led to the police called out. he says that he will press charges of assult. He said that I hit him. How long does he have to press charges on incident he reported? Can he have me arrested for something that happened a few days ago.?
  • Can a landlord raise my rent and switch my lease from a year-to-year to a month-to-month before the original lease is up?
  • If you have been working for a total of 1 year and completed 1250 hours that year but due to the fiscal year and restarting on the hours starting January 1st does that affect you in receiving FMLA if you try to ask for it the next following year and have only completed 750 hours that current year?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program